(Sapienza Università di Roma)




Leonardo Mattiello received his MSc in Chemistry from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1989. Since 1991 he is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He holds several international patents in the field of Organic Electronics, and the major part of them have been acquired from the world leading chemistry industry in the field.

  • Research activities: Chemical syntheses and electrochemical studies of new organic compounds used in the field of organic electronics (OLED, organic photovoltaics, laser dyes, molecular electronics, fiber optics). Electrochemical studies of organic compounds with antiviral and antitumor activities.
  • Refereeing activity: Tetrahedron; Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry; Chemistry, A European Journal; Electrochimica Acta; Dyes and Pigments; Journal of Materials Chemistry.
  • Memberships and affiliations: Electrochemical Society, Italian Chemical Society, Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN-CNR); Italian Interuniversity Consortium on Materials Science and Technology (INSTM), Research Centre for Nanotechnology Applied to Engineering (CNIS).


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