(Università di Roma "Tor Vergata")





Graduated from a Second Level College of Science. Master degree in Chemistry of Materials with a thesis about silicon-based SAMs for molecular electronics at University of

Rome “La Sapienza”. After graduating from the University of Rome she joined the group of Franco Decker, where she continued her work on SAMs. In 2007, she got a position as a chemist at Biosensor srl and collaborated with the National Council of Research in various national and trans-national projects. In 2012 she moved to Nanoshare Srl where she started working on carbon-based materials and nanotechnology. Currently she is attending the last year of her doctoral activity at the University of Rome “ Tor Vergata” with a PhD fellowship on polymer-based nanocomposites. She is Research Associate of the Institute of Crystallography- National Council of Research, Montelibretti, Rome, Italy.


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