Marilena RE

Marilena RE




Marilena Re
received her physics degree at the University of Lecce (Italy) in 1991. From 1992 to 2001 she worked at the Science and Technology Park (CNRSM), Brindisi (Italy), first as a fellow and then as a researcher. During these years she was also at CNR-IMM institute (ex LAMEL) in Bologna and at the “Max-Planck Instut für Metallforschung” in Stuttgart for intership about electron microscopy characterization of materials. Since 2001 she is a researcher of ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, in the laboratory of microstructural characterization of the Research Centre of Brindisi.

Her main research activity concerns the microstructural characterization by means of transmission electron microscopy of many kinds of materials of technological interest, in particular of nanostructured materials, such as polymer nanocomposites, nanoclusters, etc. In the last two years she also is interested in Helium ion microscopy as a technique for materials analysis.

She is a co-author of many scientific papers published in international journals with the referee system and of communications at national and international conferences.


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