Electro-optical method for counting nano-objects

(Università degli studi di Genova)


Electro-optical tracking is an innovative method for counting and characterizing nano-objects (such as nanoparticles and nanomaterials) diluted in solution. Like grains of sand passing through an hourglass, nano-objects cross one-by-one a nanochannel by electrophoresis and each passage is simultaneously registered both electrically and optically. Comparing electrical and optical traces it is possible to obtain essential information to characterize and quantify nano-objects like: size, charge, shape, surface chemical properties, size distribution, etc...

Thus, applying this method of analysis to low-cost polymeric nanofluidic devices results in novel miniaturized tools for assessing nanomaterial safety a crucial issue for many fields including Biomedicine, Food Industry, Cosmetics and Materials Science.



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