ACTPHAST: a unique one-stop-shop solution for supporting photonics innovation in european companies

Marco ROMAGNOLI (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)

ACTPHAST (Access center for photonics innovation solutions and technology Support) is a unique “one-stop-shop” (free of charge for SMEs) supports and accelerates the innovation capacity of European companies by providing them with direct access to the expertise and state-of-the-art facilities of Europe's leading photonics research centers (the ACTPHAST Partners). There are 23 research institutes providing 7 technology platforms who together make up the ACTPHAST Partners.

The access to 200 top-level experts and leading photonics technology platforms provided by the ACTPHAST consortium is realized through focused innovation projects executed in relatively short timeframes (typically 6-9 months) for or with suitably qualified client companies with high potential product concepts. 

ACTPHAST is designed to provide open access to photonics innovation support for all European companies who meet the eligibility criteria, and we have strict governance structures and systems in place around the key persons responsible for running the program to ensure that ACTPHAST remains true to its mission and mandate, and that all decisions are open, transparent and properly accounted for. (

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