: Simona Scalbi, born on 7 November 1971

Domicile: Italy

Present Occupation: Research of the SSPT-USER-RISE in ENEA- Italian National Agency for new Technology, Energy and the Environment.

Career: Degree in environmental engineer with 18 years experience gained in European and Italian research projects. Her qualification is Geographical Information System and later on environmental Life Cycle Assessment of products, systems, processes. Her present activity is focused on the LCA to compare environmental impacts and sustainability of nanomaterials nanotechnologies, innovative technologies, waste prevention, recycling and re-use. She is supervisor of graduate student and tutor of research grant holder. She is author about 50 between technical reports, conference proceedings and articles. She is member of OECD WMNP- Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials, Steering Group 9 - Project on the Environmentally Sustainable Use of Manufactured Nanomaterials. She is technical secretariat of the Italian Network on LCA Association. She has organized the National LCA workshops for the Italian Network on LCA from 2006. She was responsible of task in LISEA project. She is worked in several European project as: NanoHex (enHancEd Nano-fluId heat eXchange) project on transfer of laboratory based nanotechnology results into pilot lines for the production of nanofluid coolant, GENESIS “stands for Green ENgineering and dESIgn”, to develop simplify tools for LCA     LAMP (LAser induced synthesis of polymeric nanocomposite materials and development of Micro-Patterned hybrid light emitting diodes (LED) and transistors (LET). Moreover she ‘s working in NANOREG "A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials ".


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